Root canals are an essential procedure in Family Dentistry. Even though it stings, this procedure is necessary for maintaining healthy teeth. There are numerous reasons why a patient may require root canal therapy. Every dentist strives to avoid performing root canals unless there is an obvious and urgent need. Root canal therapy reduces the likelihood of developing an infection in the tooth and saves and preserves the tooth. In Mississauga, Monarch Dentistry can perform superior root canal procedures.
What exactly is a root canal?
The dental pulp comprises the interior of a tooth. The pulp consists of blood vessels and other forms of tissue that maintain the tooth's vitality. During a root canal, the dentist removes the diseased dentin from within the tooth. Infected dentin can lead to numerous issues, including tumours and other complications. Following the removal of the pulp, the dentist will place a temporary crown on the tooth until a permanent crown can be fabricated. This method is fairly standard.
Why must I undergo a root canal?
Mississauga root canals are performed when a problem with a tooth causes an infection in the pulp. This can be caused by an unrepaired cavity or a fractured filling that has allowed particulates to enter the tooth. Usually, you can tell when you need a root canal because you will be in considerable discomfort and your tooth will ache.
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