Dental emergencies can occur due to accidents but having information on how to manage the emergency could mean the difference between saving and losing a tooth. A dental emergency may not be a cause for panic but can mean the difference between having a mouthful of teeth and gaps in the mouth. When you have a dental emergency you need to visit an emergency dental clinic or an emergency room at the earliest. In this article, we are looking at some cases that qualify for emergency treatment with a dentist.
Adults who have a knocked-out tooth must attempt to keep it moist at all times. If possible they can try placing it back into the socket without touching the root. If they are unable to, placing it between the gums and cheek is suggested. Alternatively, it can also be placed in a small container of milk or in a product for tooth preservation which has the seal of acceptance by the ADA. Thereafter, reaching the dentist’s office right away is suggested.
When dealing with a cracked tooth the mouth should be rinsed immediately with warm water for cleaning the area. A cold compress must be put on the face to keep the swelling down.
When you bite your lip or tongue the area must be cleaned gently with water before applying a cold compress.
Rinsing the mouth with warm water to clean it is recommended for toothaches apart from using dental floss to remove any food particles trapped between the teeth. Putting aspirin on the aching tooth or gum tissues should be avoided.
Using dental floss to remove any objects stuck in the mouth is better than trying to remove them using pointed or sharp instruments.
Precautions to Prevent Dental Emergencies
Just because an emergency dentist is available to treat unexpected problems does not mean people cannot prevent dental emergencies by taking some precautions such as:
As an adult, you should never experience loose teeth. Your teeth would have matured to help you to lead a healthy lifestyle by eating and speaking clearly. It could be an indication of an injury, causing you pain and discomfort. Even if the teeth appear safe and sound you should consider an appointment with an emergency dentist to check for nerve and jaw damage. Treatment in these conditions is imperative despite no symptoms being displayed by your jaw and nerve. Localized infections need to be treated immediately to prevent them from spreading to save the teeth from being extracted.
Finding relief from your dentist is a requirement if the severity of your toothache is difficult to bear. Minor toothaches can be treated at home with over-the-counter medications but it is better to avoid this measure for a severe toothache that is better handled by the dentist.
If your gums bleed when you brush and floss you cannot consider it as a normal occurrence. It is a sign of early gum disease or even gingivitis. However, if the bleeding cannot be controlled and also causes pain it is a warning sign that requires attention. Your dentist will be the best person to examine your gums and determine the causes of this condition. Detecting gum disease during the early stages is the best way to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Proper treatment of an advanced condition like periodontal disease will depend on what stage it is detected.
When you notice signs of a dental abscess you should be on your way to see your dentist for emergency treatment. An abscessed tooth can be very painful and is usually located at the root of the tooth. It can also be a cause of a trauma like a chipped tooth. An abscessed tooth often requires surgical intervention to ensure proper draining of the infection and treated properly.
Diagnosing these signs can be difficult because exhaustion can be a result of many things that you could be involved in. If you are exceedingly tired consistently it could also be a sign of an oral infection. It would be a good idea to visit your dentist to understand whether the exhaustion isn’t a result of gum disease or an abscessed tooth. If it is the problem can be treated but if not you would have rolled out oral infections from your reasoning.
Seeking an appointment with an emergency dental clinic should not be a problem because most dentists are reserving time from their daily schedules to deal with emergency patients. Call your dentist and provide information about the problems you are facing confident in the knowledge that you will be accommodated for the treatment.
Our Patients are always a priority and we do our best to accommodate those with pain and need to be seen by a Dentist.